James Dodds Rogue Expeditions.jpg

james dodds

NEXT UP: Run Morocco: Mountains & Coast and Run Morocco: Gorges & Sahara 2018

I fell in love with travel my freshman year of college while visiting Mexico on spring break. Being exposed to both new landscapes and new cultures grew my desire to travel and my genuine curiosity in people/culture developed. I met Allison and Gabe in 2009 when I ran my first marathon in Austin, TX.

Speaking of marathons, I am an obsessive runner. I mean obsessive in its truest form. It’s not that I am fast or talented so much as it is obsession about “getting in that run” daily. It may only be 20 minutes, but I have to check it off the list. I wasn’t always a runner. I grew up a golfer and a class clown and only got into running as an adult to help run off my drinking.

When I’m not grabbing a cold brew with friends or running, I like to help others check a run off their list. I have been coaching at Rogue Running in Austin for five years, coaching everyone from beginners to professionals. I love it! I believe we all want to be on some tangible path of improvement in life and running provides that. Don’t ask me too much about the purpose and meaning of it unless you’re ready to talk for hours…

I am a foodie. My wife, Jordan, and I don’t really discriminate when it comes to food or beverage. We have tried everything from eating with our hands in Sudan to duck blood soup in Shanghai, octopus from street carts in Beijing to tagines in Morocco, vino del verano en Espana to sipping the finest cup of joe we could find in Seattle. Rest assured, I will document the experience. Yup, I am that guy!

All jokes aside, I truly love people. That love of people mixed with my sense of adventure makes guiding trips with Rogue Expeditions a perfect fit.